Monday, 31 May 2010


This has to be the worst piece of work ever.. but it was done in a couple of hours today so here it is.... Hopefully your eyes don't roll out of their sockets.

p.s try not to notice my grammar mistakes.. cheers.

VENERABLE BEDE BIOPIC from Shauna Tranter on Vimeo.

Monday, 17 May 2010


I haven't posted anything in ages, the reason behind this is the fact I'm have no inspiration nor motivation for this biopic project! It's got to a point now, something has to be done. A quick illustration above uses paper and found text. Drawing each movement doesn't appeal to me so paper animation it is! I plan to use objects, photographs, shapes etc.. hopefully the outcome is a bit decent

About Me

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I attend Camberwell college of arts and study Illustration. With a strong interest in styling and fashion